Wednesday, April 22, 2009
We have been visiting many families who are looking after our 22 orphaned children and have been able to show them God's love by providing school fees, uniforms, shoes, toiletries, and other needs.

It can be really hard work sometimes, and some situations we come across are just heartbreaking.
For example, there is one young lady called Makanda Suzanne. Both the father and mother died from AIDS, and she is the only guardian of her three young brothers, who are all under the age of 12. They are not studying, and one is sick. Suzanne was attending a two-year vocational training center. Unfortunately, she dropped out because she could not afford to cover school expenses.
The grandmother can't give care. She cannot meet living and school expenses. Suzanne is scared that her grandmother looks a lot like their parents did before they died. We are really concerned, as she is always busy helping the family to fetch water, wash up, and cook for them.
Yvette is now assisting her with an informal sewing and knitting program. It can sometimes be difficult. Makanda needs love and formal vocational training.
Many other orphaned children living in Kasungami face also a lot of challenges and lack support. It is important that these children be educated and get health facilities, healthy food, and safe drinking water.
Many thanks for your support! Yvette and Isaiah Njimbu
- Pray that God will continue to work through us to get close to OVCs and other vulnerable people to share his love.
- Pray that we be able to improve the living conditions of children in Kaungami by providing education, medical assistance, a demonstration farm, and safe drinking water.
- Pray that God will really use these times to shape and mould this generation.
- Pray that people understand the negative impact of HIV/AIDS.
- Pray for the children--that they may come to know God's love through us.

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Children Present Complex Problems
Many initiatives and social programs may protect children who have been thrown out, reduce the incidence of child suicide, pregnancy and illiteracy significantly. We think that the more intervention services a child receives, the more life conditions improve and lower risks, displacements, witchcraft phenomenon, pregnancy, suicide and illiteracy. It is for this very reason we paid school fees, uniforms, pens and exercise books. We shared Christmas gifts. We organized extracurricular activities, such as visits to the Zoo and museum. We paid also close attention to medical care. These could sustain them socially and intellectually.
More initiatives and strategies are necessary to reach a great number of orphaned children in Lubumbashi including underprivileged children from Kasai who have been dropped, rejected from family members and have not been offered a hand of friendship. They need much help to pull themselves above the degrading situation they had been thrown into by sending them to school or skills training center.
This Ministry is for all orphan and vulnerable children who had been so ignored by the community. However, the more we get involved in the variety of dealing with these children, the more we feel there is a lot to learn and to do. A basic minimum care through education and skills training or programs that give income generating initiatives, such as sewing, carpentry and electronics, can mold them to fit into society.
Your love can give them a clear indication of what they are expected to do.
By Njimbu
Saturday, December 29, 2007

"October, 2002, during the civil war, we were attacked, and my father was killed. When my father died, my mother was carried away.
"One day, as I was watching through the window, I saw three of these fighters come to our place and seize four of my brothers and recruit them to be used as soldiers and be maimed in combat. Myself and my brother, we decided to move out from the place together with other runners.
"I witnessed brutal violence that left me in constant fear. Hope became empty words in my living, but I am happy because I am alive. "
Age: 14 years
School grade: 5 (no education)
Hobbies: I like to listen to music, drawing, and sharing stories.
Vision: It would have created a great deal of opportunity to improve my life if I could have education. I know that with education, development flows.
Friday, December 28, 2007

Age: 14
School grade: 5 (no education)
Hobbies: reading, playing guitar, working in the garden

The Choir welcomes and celebrates the gifts of all people and seeks, within a community of faith, hope and love, to empower them to achieve their potential. We strive to nurture distinct future leaders of the world, in God's love, who are not only school boys but also spiritually oriented.
The Choir encourages children to share their God-given gifts. It creates unity among children from diverse backgrounds and helps them to build lives of faith, hope and love under the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Children at Risk Every Day
In Kasungami (Labumbashi, DRC), as many as 85% of children cannot go to school, because their families cannot afford tuition, uniforms, or supplies. For those children, survival depends on finding work so that they can earn enough for food. Children transport goods (they are called “katako”), sell food, work in restaurants and homes, load and unload passenger buses, and shine shoes, or they find some sort of temporary job in exchange for food and money. Some get involved in hazardous labor, such as mining or filtering precious stones. Others get into selling alcohol and drugs, or prostitution. Still, many go hungry for days, and malnutrition is widespread, causing serious developmental issues.
Children's survival depends on their ability to find work
This situation mostly affects children who have lost one or both parents due to AIDS. Many orphans find themselves on the streets, which increases the risk of HIV transmission. Girls living on the streets (called “da mwizi”) may trade sex for money. Many are survivors of rape or multiple gang rapes.
Street children live in dirt and total insecurity. They have no access to education or health care. They are often victims of violence—beaten and kicked. Rarely do they see a doctor or get medicine for treatment of diseases such as malaria or parasitic infections.
Street children are at constant risk of abuse
Kansungami orphans and vulnerable children need someone like you who has decided to invest in the life of children in need. Your gift of $30.00/month would help us provide for school fees, clothing and supplies, tutoring, or access to a literacy program outside formal education. You’ll will also be helping us to provide medical and nutritional care, recreation, and spiritual development in a safe environment.
We work through local churches and Christian fellowships. We believe that regular correspondence, financial reports, and good accountability and transparency will assure you that your money is going to the right place and being used well. We’ll do our best as well to help you develop a real connection with the children you support through letters, pictures, and prayers. You can have confidence that you are investing in development of Christian leaders who could help to transform their communities.
Let us love our neighbors as ourselves and as we love God.