The first in of its kind in
- All children in DRC, regardless of background, should be able to achieve their potential.Some children are effectively “invisible” to services.
- Providers do not use their knowledge on the ground to act soon enough or predict need for intervention.
We believe that the best way to benefit a community is to develop its youth. When children in our programs grow into powerful Christian leaders, they help to transform their communities. Building up children first, with the help of caregivers, churches, schools, and communities, is an excellent strategy to bring lasting change.
We believe that the most loving thing we can do for children is to introduce them to Jesus Christ. Nothing is more important than giving children an opportunity to know Jesus and learn the word of God.
- provide educational assistance, including school fees, clothing, and supplies, or access to vocational training an a literacy program outside formal education, if needed.
- sponsor children’s health efforts and provide medical and nutritional care.
- nourish children’s self-confidence and social skills.
- offer love, guidance, personal attention, and recreation in a safe environment.
- provide regular Bible study and Christian education.
- develop relationships with sponsors, so that each sponsored child may have a real connection with a sponsor through prayers, pictures, and letters, helping that child feel valued and loved.

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